Mind Tricks Storyboard

Storyboards are a massive part of the pre production process for a film. Every film and TV show will have a storyboard in the works at some point during the early development process. They are very difficult to make and the artist has to be good at what they do to get there and others ideas across so the 3D modellers and the film crew can do there job. If your a good drawer than a story board is very simple and fun. Meanwhile if you are anything like me and are not to keen and drawing than you wont enjoy storyboards.

I was set a script to follow which was the mind tricks script, I was already pre-set the pages which I had to follow 7 and 9. The first page the female character in the story Lauren, Checks her reflection in the mirror, I drew Lauren sitting in the car seat looking of into a set of woods and the car pans to the right 20 degrees. Lauren than opens the door to get out the vehicle. Lauren was wearing a hood and was dressed in sport gear. She took of her hood and placed on her headphones. David who was on his bike than removed his helmet and proceeds to look a Lauren through his camera. Connor who was in the boot of the car was trying to get out. To show this I drew a car boot. The car than began to roll towards the lake once again I drew the car but this time I drew the whole car and an arrow to show which way it is going. David than  runs down towards Lauren. To show this I chose to have a David leave his bike and run down towards Lauren. David places out his arm and grabs Lauren shoulder to show this I draw an image of David places his hand on Lauren’s shoulder. He than points to the car which is now halfway down the hill, I showed this by showing him pointing to the car with Lauren next to him. Lauren than runs down to the river bank and proceeds to lift the car out of the water. Drawing these images where not fun for me as I do not enjoy drawing the colouring was annoying as my pencils lowly ran out and so did there quality.  To present my storyboard for this blog as it was drawn on paper I needed a piece of computer software to present my work. The software I used was Adobe Illustrator I had not used this before so it was new to me. It was probably not my favourite task but I enjoyed it never the less.

Due to the fact that I have never been good at drawing I never really liked the sound of this task. However i do believe that i produced a decent piece of work. Whilst viewing it you are able to distinguished what the story it trying to depict. However, I believe I could have done a better job and this is what i do not like about this work. The drawings are not at a good standard. To improve my work i would have put a little bit more time into the drawings to make them more clearer.








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