Concept art – Miguel Angel Martinez

Miguel-angel-martinez-shell-walker-concept-art-10 (1).jpg

Miguel Angel Martinez is a concept artist who is most popular for creating art got the PS4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn.  He has also been involved with the concept art for the Shadow fall series.

Even though shadow fall and horizon zero dawn are different games we can easily put together his style from the different concept arts he produced for both these games. The tone the artist uses are dark and gloomy creating a feel of a gloomy environment. This can be seen from the image above as the whole background is full of dark colors this sets the tone for the image and the  fact that the further you explore this environment the more dangerous it becomes. However there are also plenty of warm colors where the image begins this is probably make the viewer feel safe on top of the hill whilst they look down of the ruins below.

The environment that the artist has tried to depict is a destroyed ruined wastelands been taken back by nature with vines creeping up the side of destroyed old buildings, with robots roaming the land. The artist does this in a good and effective way but showing destroyed and weak rubble like buildings. We can see this from the image in the background. The moss and plants growing on the buildings shows how old the buildings are representing the time the have been there. Through out the image there is no sign of human civilization showing the world depicted is no longer a home for human kinda.

Horizon zero dawn was released on the PS4 on the 24th of February 2017. The game world it covered in snow with old civilizations all scattered around the map. The world does feel very isolated which is what is depicted in the picture. However the world is covered in snow through most of the level and the concept art depicts a grass waste land.

I have created my own image based of the the art style developed by Miguel. I have used the same cold colors that the artist uses to create a dark feel for the background. I really do like my art work as I think it looks really realistic. The tone of the image is dark and looks slightly in easy, this is the look I was going for whilst creating the image.

After finishing my work there are a few things I wish I would have done differently. One of the main things I wish I could have done was draw more of the image as the area I have drawn is very little. Plus the ocean behind the maintains doesn’t look as good as the rest of the image.

picture final

This piece of work is one of my favourites. This is because I think it looks great, I am so happy with the end product I produced here. The colours all work together and I provides a dark atmosphere which is what I was going for. However, I believe I could have done more I would have wanted to produce a larger piece of work and drew more of the overall image. Apart from this I wouldn’t change any of this work as for my standard of drawing this piece of work is an amazing improvement to what I drew before. Even though admittedly I did trace over the image which is the part I don’t like as would like to teach myself to be able to draw properly.


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