Brief analysis

,To understand all the aspects of a brief and how to fully understand the information foreshown in a brief I looked at one for a completion for Microsoft surface.

During this task I researched the job roles which have been Associated with my synoptic project. The job roles which where needed during the development of our project are listed below with there annul salaries:

  • Director – £104,000
  • Senior Editor – £42,000
  • Sound designer – £34,000
  • compositor – £38,000
  • Camera operator – £40,000
  • 3D Artist – £44,250
  • 2D artist – £25,000

Synoptic project roles & 7 month duration salaries

Cameron, Compositor – £22,166

Vince, Sound designer – £19,833

Kieran – 2D artist – £14,583

Tom, Editor – £24,500

Different briefs

There are plenty of different briefs which can be utilised in business situations. To understand how briefs work and which ones are the best for certain situations I did some research into different types of briefs. To my astonishment there where plenty of different briefs.

Contractual brief is a legal document which is created between and employee and a client. It outlines the duties that will be required by the company organises their work. This document outlines the expectations of the client, the prices they agree on, as well the payment terms. There are advantages and disadvantages to this type of brief the advantages are, this type of brief gives the company an idea to what the client wishes to achieve whilst keeping a realistic price range. the client and employer will agree on a certain income through the brief. The Disadvantages are the client may require a heavy work load from the employer, which could but strain upon them.

Formal brief is a piece of document which contains detailed information about what this client wishes to achieve. It is normally a straight forward document. which does not contain any unwanted information. It may not be a legal document. Advantages the document is clear and concise. The disadvantages is that the contract is very general. The employer and client may.

A informal brief is less professional than that of a traditional brief, where it outlines the project verbally, as this particular type of brief does not need any means of a written document. There is a discussion conducted between the client and the employer, where they will come to a general agreement over the details of the contract. An advantage is there is no real guideline to the brief. However, a disadvantage Is that the expectations of the client may interfere with the abilities of the employee.

Co-Operative is where two or several production companies are employed to operate upon a set brief, which they complete in unison on a team basis. The project has to be completed before a deadline, otherwise the client will be extremely dissatisfied, and will not employ the selected companies in the future. An advantage of working within a team is it builds a sense of community. Then a disadvantage is the different people in the group may disagree with someone else’s ideas.

Negotiated brief is The is where the client and employer will come to specific terms upon the brief of the project. which will include the idea of both of them. it is important that they both agree on each of the terms. If this does not happen than it will cause problems between them both in the future. an advantage of the this brief is that it brings the idea of the client and employer together. A disadvantage is that have both of the  try to come to an agreement it may not work leading them to disagree.

Commission brief is when a large company like The Daily Mail. Employ an independent company to create their product/project for them. this type of brief is negotiated between two media groups. An advantage is the independent company will get paid for creating the product. An disadvantage is that once the product is released the large company may become greedy.

Tender brief is when a client produces an advert that they require a media product to be created a potential employer, such as a production company initiates a brief, a budget, as well as a proposal which is than pitched to the client in order of secure there place. an advantage is that there will be a lot of competition therefor motivating the employer will be more determined and motivated to produce a high quality proposal. and disadvantage is that because of the competition and employer is likely to be disheartened. to lose his work to another company.

Competition brief is a brief in which is created in order to be accessible to all of the production companies which are participating in creating a product. Each cooperation creates there own brief showing there ideas. They are than judged the winner is therefore used for production. An advantage is that due to heavy competition each employer will strive to create there best ideas. However, disadvantages are that the winner may have to pay a final fee for winning.


The brief that I had to follow was:

“As a brand Microsoft believes in people and what they can make possible. Its mission is to empower every individual and organisation to do more and achieve more, using technology to seamlessly enhance their lives. The Surface range delivers on this. It offers powerful tools that balance versatility, performance and craftsmanship, so you can create without compromise. With Surface, technology disappears and all that remains are ideas.”

 My task was to develop and create a short film (or films) to bring this message of infinite creative possibility to life (1-8 films, combined total 1-2 minutes). Both live action and animation approaches are welcome. Dispel preconceptions of technology and celebrate captivating storytelling that translates into engagement with Surface. Avoid cliché – or play on it to your advantage. You don’t need to include or show any products. This is about embodying the spirit of the brand through film. You can leave literality behind.

This brief is a combination of Competitive and formal brief. Which in turn provides a lot of different companies to follow the information shown within the brief.

The main aim of the brief it to widen the knowledge of Microsoft Surface. During this project my the target audience I will wish to reach is students and professional company’s or personnel. I will have to use creative and interesting Videos to attract the attention of the youth mind. Than explaining the best areas which will come with the Microsoft surface will need to be used to convince professional to bid there time and money.

The final deadline is set to 20th of March 2018 5 pm. There are no additional goals which will need to be met. However each step will need to split up into different date of which they must be completed. This must be strictly set by the creator. One week will be used for pre production. Next week will be used for editing and post production. Than the final week used final checks and analysis.

The project will consist of a live action video starting by showing the Microsoft logo. It will include how Microsoft wish to move forward with the brand and reach out to a wider audience. It will do this by showing a professional style videos showing the uses of Microsoft Surface. Showing all the different thing you can create within the program. The project will be have a set fee with the deadline in mind. It will be paid with an hourly rate with an 8 hour day paid with an yearly fee. This is due to financing and budgeting. This helps in creating a safe and reliable system which will stop the project from flowing out of control and running out of money. However, duo to the videos which will be in the promotion video there will need to be a lot of planning in place to create an effective video. First of will there will be mind maps which will provide base ideas. After which storyboards will follow to help the vfx team and producers put together the final cut.

 Whilst setting up a team I will be looking for people with a good set of skill who can get the project done by the correct deadline and who will create a good standard of work.


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