Business And Common Working Practices

Line graphs are a great use in the media industry as they show the process that goes in to creating a project. The line graphs that i created was one for Gaming, animation and Visual Effects. The program that i used to create the graphs was Draw.IO which was very frustrating to use a first as every object i selected would want to snap and connect to everything else. however i learnt to place all the small boxes first than the arrows than the text and than the background. This stopped all the objects from snapping and annoying me.

This task was good for teaching the production for all the different types of media involved in my course. also how to use a line graph. The graphs i created a placed below.



Animation (1)


flow chart 2 (2) (1).png



Creating the graphs allowed me to develop my knowledge in how media project are developed. This is what i liked about this piece of work. however what i didn’t like is the program that i used did not make the process easy and it was extremely frustrating to produce the work. If i was to do this work again i would have used a different program.

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